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Casa Crystals & Jewelry Sunglasses
For some people, earth is the ultimate grounding rod. The brown of these reading glasses is lighter and darker like the veins of real earth. By connecting to the earth, you open your pathways to the fluid energies of the universe. These sunglasses have clear, non-magnifying lenses. All Chakra Reading Glasses have two Casa Crystals Brazilian healing crystals imbedded into the tips of the temples. The healing crystals provide a divine healing vibration to all your chakras, and also help with vision and intuition. Chakra Reading Glasses are better quality reading glasses available in nine colors and eight magnification powers. Each color is aligned with a chakra, or major energy center in your body, and supports and strengthens that aspect of your energy.
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1 Call your insurance company & give them your plan number, and your verifying information.
2 Ask them to describe the Out-of-Network benefit for your plan & information necessary to submit the out-of-network claim.
3 Make a purchase at eyeglassesr.com, and then submit our invoice to insurance company for reimbursement.