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Stop Penalizing Your Employees!

Vision benefit plans are a bad deal:

  • Network providers sell at inflated prices
  • In-network free frames are low quality
  • Final cost of eyeglasses is no bargain for the employee
  • Benefits expire, but the premiums don't
  • Plans are extremely complicated
  • Poor value + complicated = Unnecessary add-on
  • HR endorsement of VBs prevents employees from seeking more beneficial alternatives
  • Do you know your VB Utilization Rate?
  • eyeglassesr.com sells a vast selection of high quality frames and lenses, at 50% lower prices than typical network providers.
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What to do?

Provide: Information and education to reduce eyewear costs - Eyeglasses Buying Guide.
Recommend: Employees use the out of network benefit at eyeglassesr.com
Cancel: Your vision benefit plan
Offer: A discount plan with eyeglassesr.com
Schedule: A phone consultation with eyeglassesr.com to examine your benefits.

Schedule Call Today

Why Going "In-Network" Will Save You the Most Money

Are Vision Benefits a Good Deal?

Many employers provide "Vision Benefits" to employees as an add-on to the total employee benefits package. Sometimes the employer pays for the premium, and sometimes the employee pays for the premium. Premiums looks small - a few dollars a weekend so employees think it's a good deal. But if you look more closely at these plans, you will see that they are not a great deal in most cases.

Why do Vision Benefits Look Like a Good Deal?

  • You don't pay the premium because the employer gives it to you free
  • The co-pay is low
  • You pick a frame that costs less than the frame allowance
  • You pick a lens that costs less than the lens allowance
  • You get a pair of glasses for free, or low cost

So Why are Vision Benefits Not a Good Deal?

  • You must use an In-Network store
  • Stores are ready for you: To make a profit, they do a few things:
    • Inflate their prices
    • Offer lower quality frames for vision benefits
    • Sales pitch to more expensive add-ons
  • Many people forget to use their benefit, and lose it
  • Plans are complicated and hard to understand

How to Get the Most Out of Your Vision Benefit Plan?

The best option is not to sign up for a vision benefit plan. But if you are already signed up, or if your employer provides a vision benefit plan free of charge, there are some tricks to getting the most out of it:

  • Set up your calendar with a reminder to make sure you use your benefit every year before the plan expires.
  • Use the free frame and lens benefit. The quality of the frame and lens will be low, but you did not pay much for it. The only problem here is that low quality frames and lenses don't last as long, and may cause you inconvenience.
  • If you want a better quality frame and/or need a better quality lens (possibly due to a higher prescription), then you will save money by shopping online and using the Out of Network" benefit.
  • Online eyewear stores sell a range of low to high quality goods. eyeglassesr.com, for example, provides a massive selection of only high quality, guaranteed eyewear. Because prices are over 50% lower than typical optical stores when you use your Out of Network benefit, you pay the lowest total amount.
  • If you wear contact lenses, the benefit is also substantial, and a better deal than getting a free frame.

Cash Paid Out

Premium: Varies between FREE and
$2.00/week, or $208/year
Co-Pay: $0-$25
Frame: $0 - $100
Lenses: $0 - $100

What You Get Back

Frame Allowance: $100-$180
Lens Allowance: $40-$80
Contact Lens Allowance: $150 - $200
Out of Network Benefit: $0 - $150


Use it or lose it . Once a year, or once every two years . Can only be used at In-Network stores

Use Your FSA (Flex Spending Account) Benefits Before Year End

We often hear from customers after year end that they forgot to use their FSA benefits. We recommend funding HSA (Health Savings Accounts) instead of FSA accounts, because HSA funds do not expire at the end of the year. Either way, BE SURE TO USE UP YOUR FSA funds before the end of the year, or lose them!